Las inscripciones para el curso de PROCESS SYNTHESIS, OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL se ampliarán hasta el día 18 de Diciembre hasta las 5:00 pm
Las inscripciones para el curso de INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ADRs se ampliarán hasta el día 11 de Enero hasta MEDIANOCHE
Los cursos de la Escuela Internacional de la Dirección Académica están dirigidos a estudiantes de posgrado y de pregrado de La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a egresados UN, estudiantes de posgrado y pregrado de otras universidades y a la comunidad en general, interesada en participar de estos cursos específicos.
Los estudiantes matriculados en 2015-3 en algún plan curricular de la sede Bogotá de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, toman los cursos de la Escuela Internacional de la Dirección Académica de la sede Bogotá como una asignatura de su plan de estudios, que se registrará en 2016 – 1, como un curso de libre elección para estudiantes de pregrado o como asignatura elegible de posgrado según corresponda.
Los estudiantes elegidos que en el momento de dar inicio al curso no sean estudiantes activos, no podrán tomar el curso. Si aún desean tomar el curso, la Dirección Académica los inscribirá según sea el perfil en que se encuentren, es decir, como egresado o particular y deberán realizar el proceso de legalización correspondiente.
Las notas serán tenidas en cuenta para el periodo Académico 2016-1, ya que el curso se realiza en este periodo. En el momento de dar inicio a este curso, los estudiantes UN deben estar activos. La nota obtenida para este periodo 2016-1 no podrá ser homologada o convalidada para un periodo académico diferente.
El curso adquiere el carácter de una asignatura de acuerdo a la tipología establecida por el nivel de estudios del estudiante con calificación numérica (0 a 5) y por lo tanto el no realizar el proceso de cancelación, la no asistencia del curso o la no presentación de las actividades establecidas generan una nota de 0.0 que será incluida en la historia académica del estudiante.
CANCELACIONES: Si usted es elegido y si por alguna razón no puede asistir recuerde que debe cancelar el curso en las fechas establecidas a través de una carta dirigida a la Directora Académica de la sede Bogotá, en físico o al correo; de lo contrario, su nota final a reportar será de cero (0.0).
CERTIFICADO: Los cursos de la Escuela Internacional de la Dirección Académica de la sede Bogotá se Certificarán por participación , Docentes UN, Egresados UN, estudiantes de posgrado y pregrado de otra universidad, docentes de otra universidad y Particulares o Público General, que hayan legalizado la inscripción (adjuntando carta de compromiso) y cumplido con las asistencias y actividades establecidas en cada uno de los cursos.
PUBLICACIÓN DE LISTA DE ELEGIDOS: Se publicará la lista de seleccionados en la fecha determinada, en la página de la Escuela Internacional – Dirección Académica de la sede Bogotá.
LEGALIZACIÓN DE INSCRIPCIÓN: Egresados UN, Estudiantes de posgrado y pregrado de otra universidad y particulares (público general): Deberán realizar el pago en las fechas establecidas a través de los medios disponibles para tal fin.
Estudiante de pregrado UN | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Estudiante de posgrado UN | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Docente UN | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Egresado UN | $ 550.000 | $ 625.000 |
Estudiante de pregrado otra Universidad |
$ 450.000 | $ 500.000 |
Estudiante de posgrado otra Universidad |
$ 700.000 | $ 750.000 |
Público en general | $ 900.000 | $ 1'000.000 |
Nota: El valor de la inscripción no sera devuelto.
Consignar el valor del curso a la cuenta de ahorros 220-012720538 del Banco Popular, a nombre de "Dirección Académica". En el campo Código de recaudo escribir 20040523.
NOTA: Al respaldo del recibo de consignación, escribir nombre completo, número del documento de identificación y curso al que se está inscribiendo.
Entregar EL RECIBO ORIGINAL al edificio Uriel Gutiérrez (Carrera 45 26-85, Bogotá), oficina 225. Se recomienda conservar una copia.
Normatividad: La Escuela Internacional - Dirección Académica, es organizada por la Dirección Académica de la Sede Bogotá y tiene como objetivo principal tratar problemas nacionales en las diferentes áreas del conocimiento, fortalecer la formación de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, fomentar y difundir la investigación y sus desarrollos temáticos con alto impacto a nivel nacional e internacional, como resultado de la participación de la Comunidad Académica y expertos de distintas áreas del conocimiento.
Objetivo General: Fomentar y difundir la investigación y sus desarrollos temáticos con alto impacto a nivel nacional e internacional, como resultado de la participación de la comunidad académica y expertos de distintas áreas del conocimiento.
Descripción: Está conformada por un conjunto de cursos con un enfoque multidisciplinario propuestos por docentes UN. Estos Cursos están dirigidos a estudiantes de posgrado y de pregrado de La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a egresados UN, estudiantes de posgrado y pregrado de otras universidades y a la comunidad en general, interesada en participar de estos cursos específicos y que cumplan con los requisitos y perfil solicitados para cada curso. Deben contar con el aval del Consejo de la Facultad a la cual pertenece el profesor proponente, el cual debe aclarar que de ser aprobado el curso por el Consejo de Sede este mismo aval permite la creación del curso como asignatura de libre elección para estudiantes de pregrado o como asignatura elegible de posgrado según corresponda.
Los estudiantes UN elegidos deben ser estudiantes activos en el momento de ser elegidos, mantener esta calidad antes, durante y después del curso; no podrán tomar estos cursos como asistentes. El curso adquiere el carácter de una asignatura de acuerdo a la tipología establecida por el nivel de estudios del estudiante con calificación numérica (0 a 5) y por lo tanto el no realizar el proceso de cancelación, la no asistencia del curso o la no presentación de las actividades establecidas generan una nota de 0.0 que será incluida en la historia académica del estudiante. Las notas serán tenidas en cuenta para el periodo Académico en el cual se realizan los cursos. La nota obtenida para este periodo no podrá ser homologada o convalidada para un periodo académico diferente.
Estos cursos se Certificarán por participación a Docentes UN, Egresados UN, estudiantes de posgrado y pregrado de otra universidad, docentes de otra universidad y Particulares o Público General, que hayan legalizado la inscripción y cumplido con las asistencias y actividades establecidas en cada uno de los cursos.
Metodología: Cada curso contará con la participación de conferencistas internacionales y nacionales invitados, que desarrollarán uno o más módulos del curso, apoyados por docentes coordinadores de la sede Bogotá.
- Directora Académica: Claudia Lucía Ordóñez Ordóñez
- Asesores Dirección Académica sede Bogotá:
- Carolina Goyeneche
- Jose Manuel Villamarín
- Diego Alonso Aponte
- Diseñador Gráfico Dirección Académica sede Bogotá: Mauricio Parada
- WEB Master Dirección Académica sede Bogotá: William Rodríguz Mora
Teléfono: 316 5000 Ext: 18391
January 18th to February 5th, 2016
Las inscripciones para el curso de PROCESS SYNTHESIS, OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL se ampliarán hasta el día 18 de Diciembre hasta las 5:00 pm
Process conceptual design is strongly supported on process simulation, optimization, and control. Evolution of the computing tools has opened a wider spectrum of possibilities in the use of applications for process integration, dynamic analysis, cost evaluation and conceptual design of reaction and separation operations. Many engineering projects demand simulation studies from the preliminary feasibility analysis, conceptual design, and detailed design, to the process operation.
The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the modern concepts that govern the design of an industrial process at the conceptual level and the fundamental theory used in process optimization and control that allows connecting and interacting with the design stage. Participants will work with the basic concepts necessary for understanding the fundamental stages of conceptual process synthesis and their interaction with optimization and control tasks thereof.
The participants are undergraduate students of chemical engineering who have completed 60% or more of the curriculum. Undergraduate and graduate students from related disciplines, such as process, petroleum, and chemical engineering, with knowledge in unit operations and chemical reaction engineering are also welcome to participate.
A copy of the University ID (UN and other university students)
A copy of the national ID
A letter explaining motivation to participate and describing experience related to the field of study
Demonstrate english proficiency (SIA report is valid); the course PROCESS SYNTHESIS, OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL will be entirely given in English.
PRE-REGISTRATION | November 24th to December 15th |
Early registration date (Legalization of payment with fee reduction) | December 24th to January 12th |
Standard registration date (Legalization of payment full fee) | January 13th to January 17th |
Course dates | January 18th to February 5th, 2016 |
Registration cancellation without credits loss | Until January 20th |
Registration cancellation with credits loss | From January 21st Until January 26th |
Cancellation for special situations require coordinator course approval and check from DAB | Until January 3rd |
COORDINATOR: Professor Ivan Dario Gil Chaves
PLACE: Edificio Insignia Facultad de Ingeniería auditorio Paraninfo Juan B. Gómez
DATES: January 18th To February 5th - 2016
Course outline
Dr. Arturo Jiménez-Gutiérrez is Research Professor of Chemical Engineering Department of Technological Institute of Celaya, Mexico. He received his degree in Industrial Engineering in Chemistry with honors at the Technological Institute of Celaya in 1974. He obtained his Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Technological Institute and Higher Education of Monterrey in 1975 and his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1982. He conducted a Postdoctoral research in Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1982-1983.
Some of his honors include being Summer Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1984 to date. Best Teacher Award, Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technological Institute of Celaya, 1991. Fulbright Professor, University of Wisconsin, Fall 1993. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, 1997. Chair of start-academic year, University of Oviedo, Spain, 1998. Member of the Academy of Engineering, Mexico, 2003. Merit Recognition Scholarship from the National Association of Colleges and Schools of Engineering in Mexico, 2005. Fulbright Scholar, Carnegie Mellon University, September 2006 to June 2007. Visiting Professor, Texas A&M University, September 2010 to February 2011 and January to June 2014. Elected as a Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2013.
He has published two books (Jimenez, Arturo Andres A. Trevino and Dale F. Rudd, "The Emerging Mexican Petrochemicals Industry" Shanahan Valley Associates, Madison, WI, USA., 1987; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Arturo, "Diseño de Procesos en Ingeniería Química" Ed. Reverté, 2003) and more than 120 research articles.
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
- M.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Trondheim
Sigurd Skogestad is Professor of Chemical Engineering at NTNU in Trondheim with focus on process control,. He received his PhD from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1987, He has been full professor at NTNU since 1987 and he was Head of department of Chemical Engineering from 1999 to 2009. He is since 2015 the Director of the SUBPRO center for research-based innovation on subsea production and processing.
His research interests include control structure design and plantwide control, optimal operation of process systems, modelling for control, robust control, PID control and distillation columns.
- Author of 3 books.
- S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite, ``Multivariable feedback control - analysis and design,'' Wiley (1996); 2nd Edition (2005).
- S. Skogestad, ``Prosessteknikk'' (In Norwegian), Tapir Publishers (2000). Second edition (2003). Third Edition (2009)
- S. Skogestad, ``Chemical and energy process engineering'', CRC Press (2009).
- More than 180 international journal publications.
- More than 280 publications at international conferences
- Engineer (1983), MSc (1984)
- PhD (1988)
- Habilitation (1993) in Chemical Engineering (Nancy, France)
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC), Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France; Assistant-Professor a ″École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC)″, Nancy, France March 1987 – March 1988; Chargé de Recherches at ″Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) ″, Nancy, France, March 1988 – August 1999; Invited researcher at ″Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble (LAG) ″ to work on ″Control of Chemical Processes″, Grenoble, France; September 1990 - June 1991.
Research: Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (CNRS – ENSIC), Nancy Cedex, France
Teaching area:Process Systems Engineering (PSE), - Computer-aided process design (CAPD); - Process optimization; Dynamic simulation and optimization.
Research area: Process Systems Engineering (PSE); Process modeling, simulation and identification; Deterministic dynamic and global optimization; Multi-objective optimization.
January 18th to 29th, 2016
Provide theoretical and practical tools about international commercial and investment arbitration to the participants, as a way for them to understand its relevance in the economical international integration process . The course will tend to be bilingual, therefore English will be the official language.
- Understand the concept, importance and purpose of arbitration, applicable to international commercial disputes and investment protection.
- Comprehend the significance of the arbitration as a mechanism to access to justice and why this is appropriate for international regulatory frameworks based on flexibility and regulatory standards.
- Develop critical thinking about the most relevant debates surrounding international commercial and investment arbitration, focusing on the balance between autonomy, procedural nature of arbitration and the development of the society.
- Identify the main principles governing international commercial and investment arbitration, and the effectiveness of the arbitration awards.
Law students, lawyers, judges and other students and professionals interested in alternative dispute resolutions. Participants must have an intermediate level of English proficiency.
A copy of the University ID (UN and other university students)
A copy of the national ID
A letter explaining motivation to participate and describing experience related to the field of study
A certificate of English proficiency; the course INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ADRs will be entirely given in English.
PRE-REGISTRATION | November 24th to January 11th |
Standard registration date (Legalization of payment full fee) | January 14th to January 17th |
Course dates | January 18th to 29th, 2016 |
Registration cancellation without credits loss | Until January 18th |
Registration cancellation with credits loss | From January 19th Until January 22th |
Cancellation for special situations require coordinator course approval and check from DAB | Until January 27th |
COORDINATOR: Professors Fredy Andrei Herrera Osorio and German Dario Florez Acero
PLACE: Confirmation pending
DATES: January 18th to 29th, 2016
- Gary Born
- Roque J. Caivano (Buenos Aires University)
- Alfredo Bullard (Católica del Perú University)
- Julio César Rivera (San Andrés University, Argentina)
- Alberto José Montezuma Chirinos (Perú)
- José Alejandro Bonivento Fernández (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- Emilio García (Sergio Arboleda University)
- Santiago Talero Rueda (Los Andes University)
- Sebastián Salazar (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- Luis Fernando Rincón (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia)
- Germán Darío Flórez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- Fredy Andrei Herrera Osorio (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Gary Born is the chair of the International ARBITRAJE Practice Group. Mr. Born is widely regarded as the world's preeminent authority on international commercial ARBITRAJE and international litigation. He has been ranked for the past 20 years as one of the world's leading international ARBITRAJE practitioners and the leading ARBITRAJE practitioner in London.
Mr. Born has participated in more than 600 international ARBITRAJEs, including four of the largest ICC ARBITRAJEs and several of the most significant ad hoc ARBITRAJEs in recent history. Mr. Born is uniformly ranked by Euromoney, Chambers, Legal 500 and Global Counsel as one of the leading practitioners in the field. He is one of only two lawyers in the world, and the only lawyer in London, to receive global "starred" status in Chambers rankings for international ARBITRAJE.
He is a lawyer and Doctorate in Legal Sciences from Buenos Aires University where he is also a professor. He is a former Manager of the Buenos Aires’ Cereal Exchange Arbitral Chamber. Among various designations: He was a Counselor and Arbitrator of the Argentinean Section of the Interamerican Commission of Commercial Arbitral (CIAC); member of the ARBITRAJE and Conciliation Commission of the Public Lawyers College of the Federal Capital (Buenos Aires), member of the Argentinean Institute of Commercial Law, and member of the arbitrators panel of the Commercial Dispute Resolution Center of the Americas.
He is a lawyer with a Master of Law from Yale University, United States, and also he has follow advanced studies at the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has obtained a Honoris Causa Doctorate at the Continental University (Peru, 2012). He has been President of the National Institute for the Competition Defense and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI). He has participated as arbitrator in more than 250 ARBITRAJEs, including ARBITRAJEs administered by the International ARBITRAJE Court of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), by the ARBITRAJE Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, by the Interamerican Commission of Commercial ARBITRAJE (CIAC), by the Panama Conciliation and ARBITRAJE Center, and by the Conciliation Centre of the Lawyers College, and ad hoc ARBITRAJEs.
He is a lawyer and PhD in law Jurisprudence. He has been graduated from Harvard University. He was a Former Judge at the First Instance Commercial Court and at the National Commercial Court of Appeals. Among various designations he is: Member of the Buenos Aires’ National Law Academy, of the Peruvian Academy of Law, of the International Academy of Comparative Law, of the Buenos Aires’ Lawyers College, of the International Bar Association, and of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), and President of the Argentinean Association of Comparative Law.
He is a lawyer and arbitrator of Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, el Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Americana AMCHAM- , Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara Peruana de la Construcción, Centro de Arbitraje del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - Lima; Centro de Arbitraje Comercial CEARCO, and Tribunal Arbitral del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lima. He has been a professor of Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC and Universidad ESAN. Guess lectura of profesor invitado por la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Mar del Plata Argentina. Partner of Estudio Montezuma Abogados.
He is a Lawyer and university professor from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Among various designations he is a: Former President of the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice, Former Magistrate at the Council of State and at the Superior Judiciary Council, and arbitrator at Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
He is a Lawyer from Externado University of Colombia. He is a PhD in Political Economy of the Amiens Picar die University (France), with a Master in Legal Sociology at Paris II University. He has a Master in Socioeconomics of Development at Paris I University, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution (Uppsala University, Sweden). He has broad academic and research experience. He has been a professor at the National University of Colombia since 1989 in constitutional law, state theory and human rights. He is also a visiting professor of other Colombian and foreign Universities such as the American University of Washington (United States) and Grenoble University (France). He has been an auxiliary magistrate of the Colombian Constitutional Court during 11 years, where he also served as a magistrate in charge for various months, and he has also been an expert before the Interamerican Court of Human Rights and associate judge at Colombian Constitutional Court. Currently he is the Director of the Centre of Studies on Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia).
He is a lawyer from Externado University of Colombia, specialized and Magister in Competition law. Among various designations he is a: Former Director of the Legal Office of the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Member of the United States-Colombia Free Trade Agreement Negotiation Team, in respect to intellectual property and competition law matters.
He is a specialized Lawyer and Magister and University Professor from Andes University. Among various designations he is: arbitrator at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and the American-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce.
He is a specialized Lawyer and Magister in International Law, Investment, Business and ARBITRAJE at Heidelberg Univerity (Germany) and Chile University. He is Partner at the Law Firm Rincón Cuellas & Associates. He is a Member of the American Association of Private Law (ASADIP).
He is a Specialized Lawyer. Founder of the Law Firm Rincón Cuellar & Associates. University Professor and Arbitrator at Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
He is a specialized Lawyer and Magister in Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary University of London. He has advanced studies at Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and Peach University (Hungary). He is a university professor and researcher at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sergio Arboleda and Catholic University of Colombia.
He is a Lawyer with an honor degree, specialist, and magister in law. He is also a PhD candidate in Law. He is University professor and arbitrator at the Real Estate Association of Bogotá.